Keith who? What the hell has he done?

I’m the one on the right.

Most recently, Keith was an ECD at Havas NY where he ran TD Ameritrade and Dos Equis. He was a part of TD Ameritrade’s most recent Cannes Lion wins for placing the first ever ad in the Blockchain and for a campaign launching TD Ameritrade’s ability to trade all night long featuring Lionel Richie. Even though it ran pregame for Super Bowl LII, it was rated as one of the best of the game by Time magazine.

Keith also played a muy grande role in giving Dos Equis’ Most Interesting Man in the World a proper send off into retirement by helping to create the “Adios Amigo” campaign. It gave people a chance to say goodbye to the beloved character one last time as he departed on a one way mission to Mars. “Adios Amigo,” was ranked as one of the biggest PR events of 2016, receiving over 2 billion impressions in the first 24 hours alone. His departure was covered by pretty much everyone; CNN, NPR, TMZ, Esquire, Fast Company, Washington Post, NY Times and Conan O’Brien. On the Today Show, the hosts toasted to the Most Interesting Man with a round of Dos Equis at 9:30 am. (Not judging, just stating a fact.)

Before Havas, Keith was an ECD at Saatchi NY running all of the MIller beer brands. He and his partner, Paul Johnson, revitalized the “It’s Miller Time” tagline for a campaign that ended up winning Saatchi the Miller LIte account. They also lobbied to bring back the original white can for Miller Lite’s 40th birthday, sales went up and it’s been around ever since.

Keith and Paul also worked at Venables Bell in San Francisco where they created a pitch winning campaign for the Slim Jim account. They also worked on various accounts such as Intel, Audi, Orville Redenbacher’s, The Montana Meth Project and Vizio.

Before Venables Bell, Keith worked at CP+B Miami where he worked on a campaign for the Burger King XBOX Games.  He created the spots that helped promote the games on TV and online. The BK XBOX games went onto sell over 3.2 million copies in only three months, which put them in the top 10 sellers for all video games in 2006. He was also a part of the team that created the campaign for the Volkswagen/First Act Guitar promotion. Customers that bought a car, got a guitar and were then able to transform their car into a mobile amp. Not only was it a extremely successful incentive program for VW, it also elevated the perception of First act guitars within the guitar world. It was covered by a variety of outlets including Bloomberg, Cnet, Guitar Player, Billboard and Motor Trend. In addition, he also worked on Mini, Slim Jim, truth and Virgin Atlantic.

His first job in advertising was at David & Goliath in Los Angeles where he was the second full-time employee at the agency. He was there from the very beginning and was able help build the startup agency for its first six years. While at D&G Keith worked on Kia, Universal Orlando Resorts and Bacardi.

Over his 18 year career, Keith has won close to one hundred awards and finalists nods in all of the industry’s top shows; The One Show, Cannes Lions, Andys, Clios, Webbies, Communication Arts, London International Awards, Addys, Effies, D&AD and the Radio Mercury Awards.


Past agencies
